2009 Midland, Texas
October 7-10
Hosted by Robert Grace, Sr and Bobbie Grace, Jr
Thursday started out with a tour of the Permian Basin with lunch to follow at KD’s Bar-BQ. The day wrapped up with a visit to The Permian Basin Petroleum Museum.
Friday morning was a visit to . The Annual Business Meeting was held in the afternoon followed by a dinner at a Chinese Restaurant.
Saturday was a trip to the Airsho for the day and the banquet.
Attendees |
Barbieri, Peter & Judith |
Bartee, Bill & Skeeter |
Brown, Ken & Lillie |
Coats, Jerry |
Coats, Penny |
Coyle, Jack & Cean |
Dalrymple, Vernard |
Dormer, Robert |
Goguey, Mel & Helen |
Grace, Jr, Bobbie |
Grace, Sr, Bob & Betty Lou |
Herberg, Doug |
Herberg, Michael |
Herberg, Vern |
Hill, Bob & Lola |
Hill, Jordan |
Hill, Rick |
Hunnicutt, James & Margaret |
Huntley, Lilma |
Inman-Arnold, Carolyn |
Kelly, James |
Levendowski, JC |
Maurice, Jonathan |
Maurice, Richard & Judith |
McHugh, Elva |
Miles, Charles |
Miller, Bill |
Miller, Daniel |
Moore, Roger |
Parks, Jack |
Petersen, Jack |
Petersen, Jeff |
Petersen, Jodi |
Petersen, Kathryn |
Purvis, Guy |
Reynnet, Dairus |
Reynnet, Francis & Caroline |
Reynnet, Kenneth |
Rowe, Barb |
Rowland, Evelyn |
Rutan, Richard |
Tanner, Mary |
Terpstra, Rich |
Terpstra, Richard |
Tetlow, Marty |
Thomas, Robert |
Waters, John |
Whitlock, FJ |
Banquet Guests Only